In light of marveling at God's creation, we couldn't help but notice that many of the birds (most obviously tanagers and warblers) that live in North America have recently migrated down here for a few months of warmer temps. Because we love all the beautiful and ubiquitous birds in Belize, we threw a party to celebrate their fall migration.
Everyone came dressed as their favorite warblers,
we played "pin the tail on the warbler,"
or "pin the tail on the wall," as it were... (photo by Alex Nordquist) |
hunted for paper warblers outside, had warbler karaoke, and more! It was quite the event. If the migrant warblers don't feel special, it certainly isn't due to lack of our efforts.
Another extracurricular event we enjoyed this week was mini indoor soccer (or football, here in Belize). Encouraged by the success of the sport during Michaela's birthday celebration back in September, the Student Life Coordinators organized a tournament. It was a fierce battle of The Elements, but team Wind eventually winned-- er, won -- the championship!
Dorothy (team Wind) gets past Alex (team Fire) |
Of course sweaty, post-game, team pictures were a must:
Team "Earth" - Jacque, Mark, Anna |
Team "Wind" - Dorothy, Josh, Becca |
Team "Fire" - Michaela, Alex, Alex |
Team "Water" - Lindsay, Gellie, and wildcard fill-in Becca |