Saturday, December 21, 2013

Final Reflections (An Open Letter to Our Students)

The end of such a wonderful semester is bound to be bittersweet.  But we also actively try to make it chock full of awesomeness.  In fact, the awesomeness of these weeks is only surpassed by the awesomeness of you, our students, whom we will miss dearly.  Here are a few pictures to help express what we will miss about you:

Your dance moves

Your love of games (especially euchre)

Your emphasis on oral hygiene

Tooth-brushing party!

Your care of (and creative names for) the chickens

Jacque, Alex, and Anna peering into the chicken coop

Popcorn and Voyager: two of the first chicks hatched on CCSP's campus!
Photo courtesy of Alexandra Nordquist

How good you are at taking awkward family photos

Clearly pros of awkward.  Photo courtesy of
Alexandra Nordquist

Your willingness to help out with anything

Trying to safely get a frantic bat out of our classroom

Anna delighting in dish duty

Your love of good food

Becca attacking the pumpkin, banana cream, and coconut pies, made with
local pumpkin, bananas, and coconut.  Photo courtesy of Alexandra

Your willingness to act a little weird sometimes

Dressed up and in character for the Trash Art Show

Your laughter

Jacque being great.  Photo courtesy of
Alexandra Nordquist

Your competitive spirit

Intensely tossing banana slices during Small Group Olympics

Your love of each other

Two sets of roomies in a double hammock! Photo courtesy of Meg Hoover

But mostly, we just miss you.

Inside one of the royal chambers at the local Maya archaeological site,
Cahal Pech

Thank you, Alex, Anna, Becca, Dorothy, Jacque, Lindsay and Michaela for the many, many ways you have blessed us this semester.  We know you are out making the world more beautiful.   

"May the peace of the Lord Christ go with you, wherever He may send you.  May He guide you through the wilderness, protect you through the storm; may He bring you home rejoicing at the wonders He has shown you; may He bring you home rejoicing, once again into our doors."

Much love,
Mark, Gellie, Alex, Joelle, Micalagh, and Josh

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